Carter T. McCall

Game Developer, Programmer

Hose Down Hound

A frantic puzzle game

Studio: Sonamu Games LLC (self-employed, owner)

Platforms: Windows

Timeline: June 2021

Responsibilities: Programming, Design

Tools: GameMaker Studio, GML (GameMaker Language)

Hose Down Hound


Hook your hose up to a hydrant and fight the raging fire to protect your garden. Your hose is short, and the fire spreads fast, so you'll need to know when to detach from one hydrant and run to another.

Hose Down Hound was developed in under 48 hours for the Game Maker's Toolkit Game Jam 2021.


Hose Down Hound

I programmed the game in its entirety, including the fire spreading mechanics, hose and water system, and the user interfaces.

I collaborated in the design of the game's core mechanics. I worked with one other team member to complete the project in under 48 hours.

I designed all of the levels to create interesting and increasingly-challenging scenarios that utilize just two main gameplay mechanics.